Monday, September 1, 2014

Fall is on the Way!


Well, August was much busier than I thought it would be but all in good fun! Now it's September and fall is just around the corner! Eeek! I can't wait! Fall is the best time of the year! 

There were some other things in case you didn't see. The author merchandise page is finally up and running! Have you seen the cool merch I've made? It's all based on my books, the Flightless Bird series and the Fighting Fate series. Click the merchandise tab or this link here, if you're a tad lazy to go and click the merch button. :) 

Not to mention but CHANCES is coming in October! Who else is excited? Be sure to subscribe because every Tuesday in October I will reveal a little teaser from the book leading up to the release on Halloween! Ahhhh!

Also, what do you think of newsletters? I'm putting one together and can't wait to keep you all updated on what's new! So many nifty things in the works over here and I can't wait to share them! 

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